
Contact Information
Pam Harless, Director
For information please contact us at:
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday (Holidays Excluded)
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
KI BOIS offices give information and referrals on other various housing services available.
KI BOIS offices in each county assist families with seeking rental assistance through HUD and Choctaw Nation Housing Authority. They also assist low-income elderly people to obtain 504 loans and grants to repair homes.
Housing Counseling
KI BOIS will offer housing counseling services to families in need of these services in Haskell, Latimer, Leflore, and Pittsburg Counties.
For more details, contact Pam Harless, Housing Director, at 918-967-3325
Housing Resource Assistance

KI BOIS Housing Resource Assistance Program helps individuals connect with resources to meet any unmet needs they may have such as: physical activities of daily living, social, environmental, and economic. You must be 21 years of age.