Domestic Violence Services

Contact Information
McKinlee Crase, Director
<< Crisis Lines >>
Phone - Stigler
Phone - McAlester
Phone - Oklahoma Stateline
Our Mission & About Us
The mission of KI BOIS Community Action Domestic Violence Program is to end domestic violence and sexual assault through emergency shelter services, education, advocacy, & prevention programs which empower men, women, and their children to live free of fear and harm within their own families and the community.
The KI BOIS Community Action Domestic Violence Program has two locations in Stigler and McAlester, Oklahoma. Our program has been helping to combat domestic violence and sexual assault since 1992 when the shelter operated with just two staff members. The most recent data places Oklahoma 1st in the nation for domestic violence related deaths per capita. Nation-wide statistics estimate that 1 in 4 women will be victims of domestic violence and sexual assault at least once in their lives. Rural women are at an increased risk and Native American women experience intimate partner violence at double the normal rate. The staff and supporters of our program are working hard to end this plague and ensure safety for all families through prevention, education, and support within our communities.
Victim Services
Our shelter is a safe place where survivors and their children may stay while making decisions about the future.
Crisis Intervention
Assisting victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking in crisis.
Hospital Advocacy
Giving support during emergency room examinations.
Rape Response
Intervention and support at the hospital and law enforcement office with follow-up support and court support.
Assistance with filing for protective orders, filling out applications for housing, government assistance, schools, and jobs.
Individual Sessions for Women
Group and individual sessions to assist the survivors in acquiring the information and skills necessary to take control of their own lives.
Individual Sessions for Children
Youth sessions for children who have witnessed violence or who are survivors themselves.
Social Service Referrals
Referral and advocacy with social service agencies that provide assistance and support to survivors and their children such as medical, legal, financial, employment, and housing services
Non-Resident Programs
We are here to help victims whether they seek shelter with us or not. Our non-residential services are available to assist victims and survivors seeking to escape abuse and live free from violence. Many clients find non-resident services beneficial after shelter departure. Many clients utilize this service through a social service referral as well.
Support Groups & Individual Services
Case Management
Court Advocacy
Domestic Violence Education
Employment Readiness
Financial Education
Life Skills Building
Parenting Support