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Contact Information
Kenny Barnhart, Director
For information please contact us at:
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday (Holidays Excluded)
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Developmental Disabilities
In-Home Supports Waivers
Created in 1999 in response to the continually increasing number of individuals with developmental disabilities remaining on the waiver waiting list, the IHSW allow individuals and families to select services necessary for each individual to remain in his or her own home or family home.
Community Integrated Employment
CIE is a service program that provides placement, job placement and short-term or long-term supports to assist service recipients in achieving and maintaining employment within the community. Services are delivered in integrated settings in the community by contracted providers.
Group Homes
Group Homes offer living arrangements for 6 to 12 people who share a home and receive up to 24 hours per day of supervision, support, and training in daily living skills. Group Home residents are 18 years of age or older. Group Homes are single-family homes located in the community close to other services and activities. The home is owned or leased by a private agency which receives reimbursement from OKDHS Developmental Disabilities Services Division (DDSD) for supervising and supporting the residents of the home.
Habilitation Training Specialist
HTS Services includes services to support the member's self-care, daily living, and adaptive and leisure skills needed to reside successfully in the community. Services are provided in community-based settings in a manner that contributes to the member's independence, self sufficiency, community inclusion, and well-being.
Supported Employment
Supported Employment is conducted in a variety of settings, particularly work sites in which persons without disabilities are employed, and includes activities that are outcome based and needed to sustain paid work by members receiving services through HCBS Waiver, including supervision and training.
Adult Day Services
Adult Day Services provide assistance with the retention or improvement of self-help, adaptive, and socialization skills, including the opportunity to interact with peers in order to promote maximum level of independence and function. Services are provided in a non-residential setting separate from the home or facility where the member resides.
Daily Living Supports
Daily Living Supports require meeting the daily living needs of the members living in the home. In accordance with the needs of the member, Daily Living Supports include hands-on assistance, supervision, or prompting so that the member performs the task such as eating, bathing, dressing, toileting, transferring, personal hygiene, light housework, money management, community safety, recreation, social, health, or medication management.
These services are provided by well trained, caring staff who are dedicated to the provision of effective supports for the individuals they work with.
Agency Companion
Agency Companion is a service KI BOIS Community Action offers to individuals with developmental disabilities. This service involves a shared-living arrangement, authorized by the Oklahoma Department of Human Services/Developmental Disabilities Service Division, in which the caregiver and the service recipient share the same home and experience a family-style living environment.
Agency Companion homes receive twenty-four hour support and offer private bedroom and bathroom facilities, while living room, kitchen and other common areas of the homes are comfortably shared by both parties. The caregiver teaches important life skills to encourage personal growth, safety and independence in home and community based settings.